
A.C Entertainment Technologies demos
Broadweigh’s wireless load cell kit at PLASA London

An attention grabbing 3.5 metre truss gantry will be one of the main attractions on A.C. Entertainment Technologies’ (AC-ET) stand at this year’s PLASA London as it prepares to offer live demonstrations of Broadweigh’s wireless load cell technology.

As Broadweigh’s UK product partner, AC-ET will be giving visitors to stand E30 the chance to see the 4.75 tonne and 3.25 tonne shackles work in a live environment mapped to Broadweigh’s LOG100 software.
Matthew Millward, rigging division sales manager for AC-ET said:

“Our partnership with Broadweigh has always been extremely important to us as a company, both from a brand perspective and from a frontier technology point of view. Over the 7 or so years that we have supported the brand and showed the Broadweigh product on our stands at tradeshows, it has become apparent that showing the system in a real world environment helps our customers to better realise the full potential of the product.”

He continued: “Through the course of our partnership we have seen many new additions to the product family along with upgrades and improvements to the existing products too – showing these changes on an annual basis also conveys to the end user, that the brand is not stagnant, is forward thinking and innovating. By far the most exciting aspects to new customers is the power behind the Log100 software, although when it comes to devices the Wind Speed Sensor is often the most intriguing.”

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Jonathan Purdue, Broadweigh’s business development manager at Broadweigh added:

“PLASA is an important show for us – it’s the perfect platform to demonstrate just how capable our product is, the benefits it offers above other load cell systems, and above all else, the feedback we get as a result of being a part of the AC-ET stand is invaluable to us. From a research and development point of view it helps us ensure that what we’re giving the customers is what they’re asking for – not what we think they want.”

Matthew sees the presence of Broadweigh on the stand as integral – especially as awareness of the benefits of load cell monitoring is increasing,

“Initially when we started to discuss load monitoring with our customers it was seen as being a nice addition to their tool kit and not an essential part of the entertainment lifting industry, however in recent months/ years we have started to see a marked change, with some venues now requesting that load monitoring equipment be used on all events. I would say that as the awareness and reliability in the technology grows the requirement for monitoring systems will increase exponentially.”

He concluded: “AC-ET has always supported developing technologies and in doing so has reached out to its customers to extol their virtues. We don’t like to think of ourselves as the final word on rigging practises as there is always more than one way to lift a load. More to the point we pride ourselves on being up-to-date with industry standards/ best practises and fostering these new technologies alongside the existing practises which helps to establish trust in the products and brands we represent.”